Coolest Car Cake Ideas
Easy Party Ideas
Fun Cake Designs
Car Cakes
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A Car Cake is great - it is a theme that you will find equally used at kid and adult parties, and isn't limited to birthday but could be used at club events, weddings, or anyplace a special interest is featured.
Have a teenager who just got their driver's license? Sweet 16? Getting a car for their birthday? A cake related to a car is a perfect image of their new found, mobile independence!
As you can see from these examples, there are several things you can do - the possibilities are endless and you are only limited by your imagination!
Cake Option - Who's your favorite maker?
This cake was actually a groom's cake at one of my best friend's weddings! The groom is loves classic cars, particularly BMW's, and when presented with the idea of coming up with a cake design to highlight one of his interests at the wedding, the decision was easy!
A cake featuring the logo of your favorite auto maker is a design that is easy to implement! And tasty free advertising for the auto maker too!
Cake Option - 3D Car Cake
love 3D Cakes - nothing beats the "ooohhh" factor when you bring one out at a party! There are lots of options with 3D Car Cake pans too - from sports cars, to classic cars, and everywhere in between. Options are already pulled up for you
here (Amazon Affiliate Link.)

How To: 3D Cake Pans
Never use a 3D Cake Pan before? Don't worry, this is how to DIY!
It is best to start the day before, especially if it is your first time. You'll want to allow yourself time to fix any mistakes. A 3D cake has to have plenty of time to cool before decorating, so baking it the day before gives that opportunity.
Here is my other #1 hint...use pound cake, or at least a combo of pound cake and another batter. No nuts, dried fruit, candies, etc. - the batter needs to be really smooth.
The pan should have instructions, but this is the basic idea of what to do. If your instructions are different, follow what comes with the pan!
- Grease with vegetable shortening and flour on every surface that will be touching the cake batter, and make sure you cover every indentation. It is better to use this than the spray because with the flour you will see if you missed any spots!
- Connect pan halves together. Make sure it fits together well.
- Time to make the cake batter and preheat the oven!
- Place 3D Cake Pan on a cookie sheet and pour the batter into the pan. Insert the core and fill with the batter. It is better for the batter to overflow than to not have enough, so don't be afraid to fill it up.
- When done, remove from oven and place upside down to cool. Remove half of pan and allow to cool for a few minutes, then replace and remove the other half of the pan for that portion to cool.
- When cooled, gently remove pans and the baking core.
- Put some icing on the cake plate (to help hold the cake in place) and place the cake on the plate.
Have fun decorating (please send me a photo of your cake!)
Cake Option - Cars on the Cake!
I feel like I keep saying there are LOTS of options, and there are! And that includes car cake toppers. Some suggestions are:
toy cars
paper checkered flags
car candle holders
candles shaped like cars
make a road across the cake and place a car on it
cupcakes, each with a little car on top
Edible Images of a Car
You can probably find a lot of these items already in your child's toy box or in a local dollar store. For affiliate link search results already created for you at Amazon, click here.
This cute cake, made by my friend Katherine, shows how easy it is to do create a great looking cake and adding your own toys on top!
Option - Car Theme Cake Pans
The movie Cars is so loved, and with good reason! The story is relatable, and the personification of the cars is right-on, making the story very relatable to kids and adults alike.
Even though the movie franchise has been around for a while, it is still so popular! If you are planning a Cars party (or any party having to do with cars), a great option is a Cars cake pan, like the one linked below:

Car Party Decorating Ideas
Here are a couple of car theme party decorating ideas...
Use colors such as white and black (like a checkered flag)Hang up posters of cars or race car drivers.
Check with your local car dealership to see if they have any brochures or old sports car posters you can use.Add a Standee from Shindigz, like the one linked below (Affiliate Link)

Read More: Kid Party Ideas
I would love to have more images of car cakes on this page! Please share yours!
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Planning a kid party? Car Party Ideas
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