Non-Head Table Question

by Eggetts

If you're playing the variation that the head table has to reach 21 to stop the game, what happens to the other tables when they reach 21 or get a bunco? Do they just keep going? And does that mean that there can there be more than one bunco per round?

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Rule Clarification
by: Lisa

This is an often asked question. In my games, we play until the head table gets to 21. That means that the other tables may go beyond 21, or they may not reach 21. The only way for the round to end is for the head table to reach 21. Other tables should continue play past 21 if necessary.

Yes, there can also be more than one bunco per round. As a matter of fact, it seems to often happen that way, where one person will bunco and then another one will bunco within a few seconds!

Thanks for your great question. I hope my answer helps!

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