Leaving Bunco Table

What happens when someone leaves the table during the round and asks partner to 'play for me'?
(Example: have phone call, bathroom need, etc)
Who gets the gift, if Bunco is rolled?

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Who Gets the Prize?
by: Lisa

That is a really good question, and it wouldn't hurt to include this in the rules that everyone agrees to before the game begins.

If there are no rules stipulated, you may want treat it this way, as you would a ghost. If the "ghost" had rolled a bunco, would the ghost get to wear the boa (crown, or whatever) or would their partner?

In one of my groups, the prize would go to the ghost. If the ghost is wearing the boa at the end of the night, then the "last one to get the boa" prize would go to whoever wore the boa most recently (before the ghost.)

Using those, rules, I would give the prize to the player whose turn it is - even if they weren't at the table.

One of the great things about bunco is that the rules can be whatever your group wants them to be, it is just important to set them out in advance before the game begins.

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