Bunco Wedding Shower

by Stacey

We are having a wedding shower and wanted to play bunko there are 48 people coming. I understand the rules but not sure how to deal with that many people. Is there anything special we should do? I cannot find any info on special tournament rules. Any ideas to make this manageable? Thank you!!

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Bunco Tournament Rules
by: Lisa

Thank you Stacey - that is an excellent question!

Based on what others have told me for a game this size, you might want to just play the game as you normally would, but with 12 tables, marking table 1 as the high table and table 12 as the lowest table.

Before you begin, set out the rules for the game and make sure everyone understands them.

Questions usually come up about: 1) what happens if there is a tie during a round, 2) what happens if there is a tie at the end of the game, 3) if a person wins a prize, are they disqualified from winning a second prize? 4) what happens if you a playing with a ghost and they roll a bunco, and 5) what happens if you roll the dice and one rolls off the table onto the floor. Review points to be give, such as 21 for a bunco, 5 for 3 of a kind, 1 for each time you roll the target.

I think a Bunco Bridal Shower is a great idea!

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